Omni Functional Platform

Omni-Functional Platforms are hardware or software environments that have functionalties that replace large sets of applications into a single interface [1].

Such platforms morph into specific functionality or functionalities that the user requires within a seamless interface.


Software architectures

Web services based on common platform-neutral standards such as HTTP and XML, allow the Web service to be integrated into any web site or application regardless of which platform they are running. Such service provider node can let its services be easily used any time and anywhere through the Internet.

On the contrary, an application or a web site can integrate as many web services inside it as possible to become an omni-functional product without knowing the implementation details behind those web services. [2]

Software platforms that are omni-functional tend to be aspect centric than data-centric [3].

Enterprise software like SAP is sometimes called as Omni-Functional Platforms [4]. Another web-based software technology that demonstrates Omni Functionality is ZCubes.

In OOP paradigm, Omni-Functional Classes are considered to be classes that take the nature of many aspect as against Mono Functional classes.

Hardware architectures

Hardware platforms like Omni-Functional Network Environments (ONE) [5], [6] provide wide range of services through a single device.

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